Every Teenager Need To Learn This!!! Ways to STOP Overthinking And Learn To Care Less

Have you ever worried about how your friends think about you? Have you ever worried about the impression that you give to other people? Have you tried to follow the trend just to fit in? As a current high schooler, I have encountered the same problem and am here to help. 1. Let Go Of Perfectionism I know you want to be perfect, you want to be good at everything and, make everyone like you. We all do, but you know what, the harder you try to be perfect at everything and make people like you, the more tired you get every day. So, don't worry if you made a mistake, mistakes help you to improve. Don't ever change yourself to please others, even your crush. Nobody is ever perfect, and I believe the people who truly like you won't mind your imperfections. You just have to make sure, at the end of the day, you did your best. 2. Love Yourself & Be Confident I think the most important thing is to love yourself. We often tend to believe what other people say about us and repea...